Public Domain Hymn Project
Welcome to the Public Domain Hymn Project of the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks!
While many of our congregations across the USA have been without regular musicians for years, it was during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic that this became more widely problematic. To ease this burden, the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks has embarked on a project to bring all of the Public Domain hymns in our denominational hymnal, Glory to God, to our congregations for a nominal donation. We've started with the hymns for Christmas and will move on to the other public domain hymns in the new year. Working with a church musician, hymns were recorded in MIDI format and then imported into editing software so that lyrics and backgrounds could be provided. Each hymn is available with white lyrics on a black background, or with white lyrics on a colored background. You can view samples using the links below.
114 - Away in a Manger (Cradle Song) -- Click HERE for sample in COLOR. Click HERE for sample in BLACK & WHITE.
For a complete list of the hymns that are in the public domain, including those where only theĀ English lyrics are in the public domain, please click HERE.
FIRST! Check with your presbytery to see if they have subscribed to the hymn catalog on your behalf! If they haven't yet, suggest that they reach out to Denise for information on how to do so. At just $500 per subscription, it's a significant cost savings.
Each hymn (whether in black & white or with a colored background) is provided with a suggested one-time $3 donation per hymn to help the Presbytery offset the cost of preparing each video.
Send an email to Denise Pass listing the hymns you would like, indicating whether you would like the COLORED background or the BLACK & WHITE background. For example, you might order:
#114 color ($3 donation)
#114 black & white ($3 donation)
#129 black & white ($3 donation)
#147 color ($3 donation)
TOTAL $12 donation
Once your request has been confirmed via email, you will be asked to make your donation using the "GIVE NOW" button on the Presbytery's home page, which will direct you to the payment site. Select "HYMNAL PROJECT" and make your donation. If you don't already have an account on file with the Presbyterian Foundation's portal, you will need to create one. Once your donation has been confirmed, links to the hymns you have requested will be sent to you. We ask that you refrain from sharing the links with those who have not contributed to this project -- rather, please direct them to this page so they can participate.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not an "on demand, pay and download" process. It's simply our Presbytery staff providing this resource for our congregations! In other words, please don't attempt to order at 10pm on a Saturday evening expecting to have the hymns for the next morning's worship! We'll need a bit of time to process your request.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, or have a special request, please send an email to Rev. Denise D. Pass, coordinator of the hymn project.
May this be a blessing to all who gather to worship with you!